
now available  digital on iTunes - new recording

Robin McAuley Channel on Spotify

Sizzling News

I couldn't be happier that you've found me!


This is my official website, created for all of my fans and music lovers to keep up with whats going on in my musical happenings.

I've been blessed to make my living doing what many dream of  — perform music to rocking audiences across the United States and the world. I'm honored that you're joining me.


Whether I'm performing at Raiding the Rock Vault, Las Vegas No. 1 show, recording in the studio or just chilling at home, this is the one place you can always go to know the latest happenings. I'll be maintaining this site myself and will work hard to keep the information on my site current, topical, and fun. So peruse at your leisure and check back often — you never know when something fun is going to pop up here for your enjoyment!

robinmcauley.com Singer/songwriter

Music is the

      universal language...